College and Career

Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise takes pride in graduating college-ready students. Our student will complete minimum college admissions coursework requirements for the California State University (CSU) system and the University of California (UC) system known as A-G courses are part of their graduation requirements.

Information regarding how to plan for and apply to the CSU system is located at Cal State Apply.

The UC recommends that students applying for freshman admission complete three additional years of advanced study: one each in mathematics, science, and foreign language. Information regarding how to plan for and apply to the CSU system is located at UC Apply Online.

California community colleges are required to admit any California resident possessing a high school diploma or equivalent.
To learn about admission to California Community Colleges (CCC), visit CCC Apply.

Career Technical Education
Career technical education (CTE) provides students and adults with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and develop skills they will use throughout their careers.
CTE programs have been organized into 15 industry sectors that identify the knowledge and skills students need as they follow a pathway to their goals.
CTE prepares students for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context. For more information please visit CTE General Facts.

Students and parents are encouraged to meet with the school counselors to monitor their progress, help choose courses, and enroll in CTE courses by submitting a Request for Meeting with the Student Services Team. You can find the link at the bottom of the page HERE. Parents can also call and schedule a parent meeting with the counselor at 213-487-0600.

LAAAE is going to College!!!

It is never too early to start preparing for college.  Begin your search today.

Undergraduate Application Guide

All the information you need to know for applying to a university.

University of California

The 10 campus, public University of California system of schools includes some of the best universities in the world.

California State University –

The 23 California State University campuses is a system of excellent public universities at a very affordable price.  Also check out the CSU Mentor website to get an overview of all of the different campuses, admission requirements, and begin preparing your application.

College Board

This is a great website to look up information about preparing for college, selecting the correct college program, and signing up and preparing for the college entrance exams (SAT/ACT)

California Community Colleges

Starting at a two-year college and transferring to a four-year college may be the right path for you.  For questions about this process, you can always make an appointment to speak with me.

Some really great local community colleges are: Santa Monica College and Pasadena City College

Concurrent Enrollment:  For Juniors and Seniors who are not credit deficient, concurrent enrollment is a very good option!  You can take classes at community colleges free of charge while still a high school student.  This can give you the opportunity to earn college credits and possibly cover some of your high school graduation requirements.  Classes can be taken during the summer, on weekends, after school, or during school hours with administrative approval.  If you are interested in doing this, come talk to me about the process and what classes you are interested in taking.  Then, you need to go to the admissions office of the college, apply for concurrent enrollment, and ask them about any placement tests that you need to take.  After that, you need to get final approval from the main office. If you are interested, apply early as classes fill up very fast.

These are our closest community colleges for concurrent enrollment: Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, and East Los Angeles College

Financial Aid

Part of the college application process is also applying for financial aid.  You will mainly apply for financial aid through FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) which is through the government and through private scholarships.

FAFSA – You can begin applying for the FAFSA on January 1st of the year you are planning to go to college.  If you are undocumented, you CAN NOT apply for the FAFSA.  Everyone else will need to fill out the FAFSA if they are planning on receiving financial aid.  It is a long process so carefully read the instructions on the website and get any documentation together that you will need.

Cal Grant – This is a grant of up to $12,192 dollars that you can get from the California government.  Check out the information on this website for the specific details.  To apply for the Cal Grant, all you have to do is submit your FAFSA before March 2nd and submit an additional GPA verification.  You need to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 to qualify for a Cal Grant and a 3.0 to get one of the higher awards.  Starting in 2013 undocumented students will be able to apply for the Cal Grant, but there will be a separate application as they are prohibited from filling out the FAFSA

Fastweb – Great scholarship search and matching website.

Great Scholarships!:

Carl’s Jr – $1000 scholarship from Carl’s Jr.

AB 540 Information

Question: If I’m undocumented, can I still go to college?

Answer: YES YOU CAN!!

There are three laws in the State of California that help undocumented students get to college.  AB 540 allows students who have attended high school in California for at least three years to receive in-state tuition at all public colleges and universities, regardless of their citizenship status.  AB 130, or part one of the California Dream Act, allows AB 540 students to receive private scholarships from public universities in California.  AB 131, or part two of the California Dream Act, will allow AB 540 students to receive the Cal Grant to help finance their education.  AB 131 won’t go in effect until next year for students starting college in 2013.  Undocumented students, however, are not eligible for federal financial aid and while the Cal Grant will help a great deal, students in this situation will need to look for additional financial aid in the form of scholarships.  These laws only effect public universities and colleges in California.  Private universities in California and other states have their own policies, but many do offer great scholarships for exceptional students.


California State University
Link to all 23 campuses of the California State University system.
Loyola Marymount University
Private Jesuit university on the westside of LA.
Occidental College
Small, private 4-year liberal arts college in Highland Park.
The College Board
Sign up for your college entrance exams and research colleges all over the country. This is the ultimate college resource.

Four-year, private research institutions.

University of Southern California