
Student and Family Handbook

Discipline Policy Philosophy

The Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise discipline policy aims for a school-wide culture which enables students to improve their academic abilities and self-esteem through a foundation of trust and high expectations. It is the goal of the administration, staff and parents to encourage students to exercise self-discipline. Students share the responsibility for creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. LAAAE will implement a school-wide culture of positive and Restorative Justice approaches to working with students, staff and parents/guardians.

The LAAAE discipline philosophy aims to establish a culture, which enables students to improve their academic abilities and self-esteem through a foundation of trust and high expectations. Students share the responsibility for creating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. LAAAE will implement a schoolwide culture of positive and restorative justice approaches to working with students, staff, and parents/guardians. It is the responsibility of the student to attend school regularly, to show effort in classroom work, and to conform to school rules and regulations and expectations. No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students.

Student discipline at LAAAE is based on positive support and involves multiple parties including school staff, teachers, parents, and students. Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise seeks input from parents, teachers, and students on how to best provide a safe and healthy school environment.

Based on stakeholder feedback, Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise has developed a comprehensive student discipline policy included in the student handbook. Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise staff review the discipline policy with students and parents prior to admission to LAAAE. By enrolling in Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise, the students and parents acknowledge their understanding of and the responsibility to the standards set forth in the discipline policy. The discipline policy will include the students’ rights and responsibilities and Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise’s suspension and expulsion policies. The discipline policy will not be discriminatory, arbitrary, or capricious, and will follow the general principles of due process. The policy will be adapted as needed in regard to the discipline of a student with special needs as determined by the provisions of the IDEA.

Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise shall ensure that its staff is knowledgeable about and complies with the District’s Discipline Foundation Policy and/or current equivalent policy, as required by the Modified Consent Decree. Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise shall comply with the terms of the School Discipline Policy and School Climate Bill of Rights resolution adopted by the LAUSD Board of Education on May 6, 2013

Electronics Policy:

Students are to be responsible for their own possessions. The school takes no responsibility for electronic devices brought to campus. The Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy is as follows:

All unauthorized/personal electronic devices (including headphones, earphones and speakers) must be kept completely off and out of site during all instructional minutes (ie during class time).

This includes while students are in hallways or off campus on field trips. Any staff member may confiscate a student’s unauthorized/personal electronic device if it is seen or heard during instructional minutes without providing any warnings to the student.

Additionally, playing music or other sounds from an electronic device loud enough to be audible to a staff member is never permitted on campus or on school sponsored field trips regardless of the time of day.

This includes before school, during lunch, during passing periods, and after school. Any electronic device used to this end may be immediately confiscated by any staff member.

If the device is given to the staff member immediately and respectfully it will be returned at the end of the school day. If the student refuses to give his/her unauthorized electronic device to the staff member, an administrator will follow up with the student within 24 hours and confiscate the device for a full week and notify parents/guardians.

Parents/guardians may come in at any time during the week to retrieve the device. If the student also refuses to give his/her unauthorized electronic device to the administrator, the administrator will issue the student an office disciplinary referral.

The following pictures show exposed electronics that would be confiscated under the electronic policy:

d4  d2 d1

Classroom Discipline Policy and Procedures

All faculty and staff at Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise (LAAAE) has a responsibility to assist in maintaining good discipline, not only in the classroom, but also throughout the school. This policy and supporting procedures were developed to support staff in the maintenance of classroom discipline and to provide a standard, fair and transparent system for dealing with any disciplinary situation that may arise in the classroom or on campus. Within the school, the Principal has overall responsibility for student discipline. The Assistant Principal is responsible for the implementation of the disciplinary process.

Uniform Policy:

Los Angeles Academy of Arts and Enterprise (LAAAE) has adopted a School Uniform Requirement for all students. School uniforms assist schools in several ways, such as an enhanced climate of learning, boosting school unity and pride, they are cost-effective, and most importantly they increase school safety and security. The uniform policy is mandatory for all students. Students are expected to arrive in a clean and neat uniform every day. Each student will be issued a polo shirt and physical education t-shirt free of charge with the submission of his/her lunch application.

Uniform Adherence during Uniform Sweeps: 1. Each student in uniform receives two PBIS points from the administration for being prepared and polite. 2. If an entire classroom is in uniform each student in the class gets an additional two PBIS points.

Uniform Violations during Uniform Sweeps: 1. Students who are not in uniform will serve a lunch detention at the next possible opportunity and complete a uniform reflection during that time. 2. If the uniform reflection is not completed to the best of the student’s ability by the end of the lunch period, an additional lunch detention will be served the following school day. 3. Students who refuse to comply with their lunch detention or uniform reflection requirements will receive an ODR submission.

Uniform Requirements: 1. Students must wear a school issued shirt, polo, or sweatshirt. 2. Students may not wear any type of ripped/cut clothing or clothing with holes. 3. Students may not wear anything with inappropriate pictures, symbols, or words.

NOTE: If the student is unable to wear the school uniform due to extenuating circumstances, please notify school administration