Class of 2022 Commencement

Commencement information:

The Class of 2022 commencement ceremony will take place Friday, June 10, 2022 at 5pm in the Multipurpose Room on the LAAAE campus.

All eligible graduates will receive 4 tickets for guests. All guests must wear a face mask during the ceremony. Balloon, airhorns and other noise making devices will be prohibited inside the venue.

Class of 2022

Senior Portraits

Kennedy Almaraz

Diana Amigon

Luisa Cristina Brito

Sofia Anabell Bueso

Nayeli Cabada

Jose Efrain Castillo

Dylan Michael Cordova

Scarleth Julissa Cruz Ordonez

Anthony Daniel Garcia

Daisy Gomez

Israel Gomez

Ronalvaro Gonzalez

Marlon Hernandez

Melissa Vanessa Hernandez

Edwin Emerson Hernandez-Lopez

Brandy Heron Lopez

Isaac Meliton Lima

Bryan Andrew Lopez Hernandez

Melody Estrella Martinez

Juan Neemias Mejia Lopez

Engel Josue Mendez Almaraz

Maria Jenifer Oxlaj-Gonzalez

Luis Adolfo Pascual

Yohanes Pereira

Carollyn Perez

Kener Anthony Perez

Alan Moises Emanuel Reyes

Anthony Salanic-Lopez

Lino Tecum-Puac

Maritza Maribel Tevalan-Vasquez

Walter Yovani Tojij-Tzul

Hector Vargas Bastida

Kaianna Lashe Williams