Tdap Regulation

To help protect your children and others from whooping cough, a California law requires students to be vaccinated against whooping cough. For the 2014-15 school year, all students entering 7th through 12th grades needs proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster shot (Tdap) before starting school.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Whooping cough (pertussis) has been widespread in California. Many students have had to miss school because they were sick.

To help protect your children and others from whooping cough, California law requires students to be vaccinated against whooping cough.

• For the 2014-15 school year, all students entering 7th through 12th grades will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster shot (Tdap) before starting school.

• Only students entering 7th grade through 12th will need proof of an adolescent whooping cough booster shot (Tdap) before starting school.

By law, students who do not have proof of receiving a Tdap booster shot will not be able to start school until proof is provided to the school. (The tetanus-diphtheria booster shot, Td, will not meet the requirement.)

We want to make sure your child starts school on time. I urge you to:

1. Get your child’s Tdap shot now if your child hasn’t received it already.
A large number of students need a Tdap shot between now and the start of school next year. Make an appointment with your child’s doctor or clinic for your child to get a Tdap booster shot now. Avoid the back-to-school rush.

2. Save your proof of immunization.
Be sure to keep the written proof of your child’s Tdap booster shot in a safe place. Your child will need to provide proof of immunization in order to start school.

Getting the adolescent whooping cough shot now will not only help protect your child against the ongoing threat of whooping cough but will also meet the new school requirement.

If you have any questions, please contact the school at (213) 487-0600.


Estimados padres y guardians:

La tos ferina (pertussis) se ha extendido en California. Muchos estudiantes han tenido que faltar a la escuela porque estaban enfermos.

Con el fin de proteger a nuestros hijo(a)s y otros niños de la tos ferina, la ley de California requiere que los estudiantes se vacunen contra la tos ferina.

• Para el año escolar 2014-15, todos los estudiantes que ingresan al 7˚ al 12˚ grado necesitarán un comprobante de la vacuna de refuerzo contra la tos ferina para adolescentes (Tdap) antes de comenzar la escuela.

• Solamente los estudiantes ingresando al 7˚ al 12˚ grado necesitarán un comprobante de que recibieron la vacuna de refuerzo contra la tos ferina para adolescentes (Tdap) antes de comenzar la escuela.

Por ley, los estudiantes que no tienen un comprobante de que recibieron la vacuna de refuerzo Tdap no podrán empezar la escuela hasta que dicho comprobante se le proporcione a la escuela. (La vacuna de refuerzo del tétanos-difteria, Td, no cumplirá con este requisito.)

Queremos asegurarnos que su hijo(a) comience la escuela a tiempo. Lo animo a que:

1. Vacune a su hijo(a) contra la Tdap ahora si todavía no la ha recibido.
Una gran cantidad de estudiantes necesitan la vacuna Tdap entre ahora y el inicio del próximo año escolar. Haga una cita con el doctor de su hijo/a para obtener la vacuna de refuerzo Tdap ahora. Evite el apuro del regreso a clases.

3. Guarde el comprobante de vacunación.
Asegúrese mantener el comprobante escrito de la vacunación de su hijo/a con Tdap en un lugar seguro. Su hijo(a) necesitará el comprobante de vacunación para comenzar la escuela.

Vacunándolo(a) ahora con la vacuna contra la tos ferina para adolescentes no solo protegerá a su niño(a) contra la amenaza constante de tos ferina, sino que también cumplirá con el nuevo requisito escolar.

Si tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor comuníquese a la escuela al (213) 487-0600.